
Network Testing Made Easy


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If you look at all the network testing tools that are currently available—free or otherwise—they all have one thing in common, “complexity”.

Easy button

If you look at all the network testing tools that are currently available—free or otherwise—they all have one thing in common, “complexity”. Complexity of test case design, development and deployment. What if all that complexity associated with network testing, from configuration to management was removed? You could finally go on that dream vacation without worrying about your sensitive networks, multiple testing tool kits, and inaccurate results.

Spirent TrafficCenter was designed to remove all of the conventional barriers to network traffic testing. It’s incredibly user-friendly interface makes it easy to:

  1. Configure and run basic test models through a web application (without requiring a lot of deep networking and protocol specific knowledge)

  2. Test and validate your network design and connectivity by generating Layer 2 and Layer 3 traffic with interactive drag and drop traffic flows, traffic mixes and subnet profiles

  3. Manage your dashboard and track SLAs with custom parameters, health indicators, live test results and comprehensive reports

Spirent Traffic Center dialog screen

With TrafficCenter’s intuitive, easy-to-use features, quick tips, drag and drop functionality, profile sharing and interactive results summary, network testing is made easy.

Spirent TrafficCenter is an affordable, user-friendly, cloud-based web application for all your hybrid traffic network testing needs. This tool is simple, yet feature-rich, designed to meet the needs of a sophisticated network engineer and an enterprise user configuring network testing for the first time.

Contact us today to learn more about Spirent TrafficCenter and register for a free trial of this revolutionary new network testing application.




Malathi Malla
Malathi Malla

Malathi Malla主管思博伦的云、数据中心和虚拟化分部。她负责的是产品营销、技术营销和产品管理业务,推进各类云和IP解决方案的入市战略。她在多家硅谷创业企业和大型企业拥有超过14年的高技术从业经验,包括Citrix、IBM、Sterling Commerce(AT&T的软件分部)和Comergent Technologies。Malathi还在开放联网基金会和OpenDayLight等多个开源社区担任思博伦的首席营销代表。欢迎通过LinkedIn或关注Twitter上的@malathimalla,与Malathi交流并建立联系。